Membership after retirement

Can I continue to be a member of Ledarna after I retire?


Yes, there are benefits to belonging to Ledarna even after retirement. You can continue to be a member as before or choose to switch to passive membership.

Passive membership is limited compared to regular membership. These are some of the benefits you can still enjoy as a passive member:

  • The option to keep most of the insurance policies you may have taken out with Trygg-Hansa until you reach the age of 67 (ordinary membership allows you to keep them until the age of 70). Log into and read more.
  • The journal ‘Chef’.
  • Access to the members-only sections of the website.
  • The option to book holiday accommodation at preferential rates.

The membership fee for passive membership is SEK 35 per month and is invoiced on a half-yearly basis in advance.

Print out an application for passive membership and submit it via the contact form.

Please note that when you change to passive membership you cannot continue to hold a position of trust in Ledarna.