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Medieledarna 22 mars 2019

Rapport från studieresa

Förändring, lokalt engagemang och ännu mer ljud

Konferensen Newsrewired, anordnad av journalism.co.uk och Reuters, inledde studieresan, med följande program: 

Keynote Rouven Leuener, ‘Paygates’ not paywalls: changing perspective on audience access to paid news content Neue Zürcher Zeitung har utvecklat ett system som kan förutse när det är mest sannolikt att en läsare blir en betalande prenumerant.

Bildtext: Sveriges ambassadör i London, Torbjörn Sohlström hann vi också träffa och fick ett samtal om Brexit. Sohlström längst till vänster, sen Dina Eveneus, Anna Körning och Morten Postrup.

Local news: breaking out of the London bubble

This panel will look at significant local journalism projects carried out by large news organisations and will discuss why listening to regional audiences is vital for their success.

  • Jess Brammar, head of news, HuffPost UK
  • Matthew Barraclough, head of Local News Partnerships, BBC
  • Gabrielle Laine-Peters, digital consultant – news, crisis management and ethics, moderating

Gunilla Håkansson, en av deltagarna på resan fångade diskussionen här

Financing journalism in the digital age From micropayment and crowdfunding to innovative membership models and crypto-currencies, this panel will look at successful strategies to finance online journalism.

  • Jessica Best, operations lead and engagement editor, The Correspondent
  • Dominic Young, founder, Agate
  • Mark Little, CEO, Kinzen • Des Martin, director, Brave Software
  • Sue Llewellyn, founder and CEO, Ultra Social, moderating


Spotlight talk: Engage your mobile audience

Fifty-six percent of UK news consumers get their news via smartphone. But although technology has changed the distribution of news dramatically, most stories are still told in the same way as they were 100 years ago. Jacob Gjørtz, VP marketing at CCI Europe, will shed light on how to create stories in visual, mobile-friendly formats to engage today’s audiences.

Alexa, how can we monetise content on smart speakers?

Despite the rise in sales of voice-controlled devices, such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home, the difficulty of monetising content holds publishers back from innovating on voice platforms. This panel will explore projects by early adopters and look at the benefits of investing in smart speaker-friendly content. 

  • Nic Newman, senior research associate, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
  • Peter Stewart, journalist and author 
  • Susie Coleman, software developer, Guardian Voice Labs
  • Chris Stone, video executive producer, London Evening Standard
  • Suchandrika Chakrabarti, founder, Freelance Pod, moderating 

Gunilla Håkansson sammanfattar här programpunkten om smarta högtalare.

Blockchain technology: what is it and why should journalists care?

For many, blockchain is still a just buzzword. However, this technology can help revolutionise how news content is stored and distributed. This panel will shed the light on what blockchain actually is, as well as its benefits and pitfalls for publishers.

  • Troy Norcross, co-Founder, Blockchain Rookies
  • Christian de Vartavan, advisor and global ambassador, PUBLIQ
  • Mark Devlin, founder and CEO, NewsBlocks
  • Marcela Kunova, acting editor, Journalism.co.uk, moderating

Läs mer om hur blockchain funkar.

Who is investing in solutions journalism?

People are switching off from the news cycle gauged by negativity. This session will explore how solutions journalism can re-engage audiences – and help solve newsrooms’ cashflow problems in the process.

  • Jonathan Paterson, editor, Digital Video, BBC News
  • Aurore Malval, journalist, Nice Matin
  • Jerome Whittingham, editor, Hull Is This
  • Sean Dagan Wood, publisher, Positive News
  • John Crowley, digital journalist and editor, moderating

Kathryn Geels, director, Engaged Journalism Accelerator, will be sharing updates about her project, explain what is ‘engaged journalism’, and offer insights into the news organisations across Europe that are taking this approach to their work. She will also be sharing learnings and tips with Newsrewired participants that they can take back and apply to their own organisations.

Mer att läsa om alla programpunkter finns här

Förutom att delta i heldagskonferensen Newsrewired mötte vi Torbjörn Sohlström, Sveriges ambassadör i Storbritannien, för att prata om Brexit och dessutom gjorde vi studiebesök på Financial Times, BBC och The Guardian.

Här är Gunilla Håkanssons sammanfattning av mötet med James Lamont och Lyndsey Jones på Financial Times.

För mer information kontakta gärna någon av oss som var med från 

Medieledarnas styrelse:

Susanna Skarrie, susanna.skarrie@hemhyra.se

Göran Carstorp, goran@a4.se

Ingalill Forslund, forslundingalill@gmail.com

Johan Linden, johan.linden@svt.se

Anna Körnung, anna.kornung@mitti.se